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Tiny Tot Party Package - Event Information
$199.99 up to 10 children
$19.99 per additional child
$19.99pp Tiny Tots Party- Perfect for Birthday Children turning 5 or under! 3 hour party (45 minutes at party table), Minimum 10 paid guests per party package. Available during Tiny Tot Sessions 10am-1pm (Please see calendar for select Tiny tot Dates.) Package includes: Playground Skating with Rental, plus Bring Riding Toys! 1 slice of cheese pizza per geust, refillable fountain drinks at the 45minute table time, 100 point game card for party guests, Birthday Child receives 200 point Game Card and Glow "It's My Birthday" button! **Any guests 6 years and older are availble to skate after 12pm. When adding on the Adventure Party Pakcage; Characters are subject to availability. Each additional child over the minimum is an additional $5pp.
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